
React 4

Dynamic Routes

Download Starter Code

npx create-next-app nextjs-blog --use-npm --example ""

You should update the following files:

Page Path Depends on External Data


How to Statically Generate Pages with Dynamic Routes

In pages/posts/[id].js, we’ll write code that will render a post page — just like other pages we’ve created.

import Layout from '../../components/layout'

export default function Post() {
  return <Layout>...</Layout>

Now implement getStaticProps again:

import Layout from '../../components/layout'

export default function Post() {
  return <Layout>...</Layout>

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  // Return a list of possible value for id

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
  // Fetch necessary data for the blog post using


Implement getStaticProps

open lib/posts.js again and add the following getPostData function at the bottom. It will return the post data based on id:

export function getPostData(id) {
  const fullPath = path.join(postsDirectory, `${id}.md`)
  const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8')

  // Use gray-matter to parse the post metadata section
  const matterResult = matter(fileContents)

  // Combine the data with the id
  return {

If you come across an error, make sure your files have the correct code:

Render Markdown

To render markdown content, we’ll use the remark library. First, let’s install it:

npm install remark remark-html

open lib/posts.js and add the following imports to the top of the file:

import { remark } from 'remark'
import html from 'remark-html

Then, update the getPostData() function in the same file as follows to use remark:

export async function getPostData(id) {
  const fullPath = path.join(postsDirectory, `${id}.md`)
  const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8')

  // Use gray-matter to parse the post metadata section
  const matterResult = matter(fileContents)

  // Use remark to convert markdown into HTML string
  const processedContent = await remark()
  const contentHtml = processedContent.toString()

  // Combine the data with the id and contentHtml
  return {


Polishing the Post Page

Adding title to the Post Page

In pages/posts/[id].js, add the title tag using the post data.

// Add this import
import Head from 'next/head'

export default function Post({ postData }) {
  return (
      {/* Add this <Head> tag */}

      {/* Keep the existing code here */}

Formatting the Date

npm install date-fns

Next, create a file called components/date.js and add the following Date component:

import { parseISO, format } from 'date-fns'

export default function Date({ dateString }) {
  const date = parseISO(dateString)
  return <time dateTime={dateString}>{format(date, 'LLLL d, yyyy')}</time>

Fetch External API or Query Database

getAllPostIds (which is used by getStaticPaths) may fetch from an external API endpoint:

export async function getAllPostIds() {
  // Instead of the file system,
  // fetch post data from an external API endpoint
  const res = await fetch('..')
  const posts = await res.json()
  return => {
    return {
      params: {

If fallback is false, then any paths not returned by getStaticPaths will result in a 404 page.

If fallback is true, then the behavior of getStaticProps changes:

Deploying Your Next.js App

Push to GitHub

Before we deploy, let’s push our Next.js app to GitHub if you haven’t done so already. This will make deployment easier.


Deploy to Vercel

Vercel is a serverless platform for static and hybrid applications built to integrate with your headless content, commerce, or database.

Create a Vercel Account

You can use default values for the following settings — no need to change anything. Vercel automatically detects that you have a Next.js app and chooses optimal build settings for you.

When it’s done, you’ll get deployment URLs. Click on one of the URLs and you should see the Next.js starter page live.

Next.js and Vercel

Vercel is made by the creators of Next.js and has first-class support for Next.js. When you deploy your Next.js app to Vercel, the following happens by default:

Vercel has many more features, such as:

After deploying to Vercel, try doing the following if you can:

  1. Create a new branch on your app.
  2. Make some changes and push to GitHub.
  3. Create a new pull request.

Develop, Preview, Ship We’ve just gone through the workflow we call DPS: Develop, Preview, and Ship.